7 Tips for Mental Health Every Day
Take a break
Research shows taking even short breaks throughout your day increases motivation, clarity, focus, productivity and creativity.
Go Outside in Nature
“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.” John Muir
Move & Love your Body
Exercise regularly, nourish with healthy foods and try self massage. Give gratitude for your body.
Connect with a loved One
We are social mammals, wired to connect, and we need each other.
Ask for Help
Reach out and ask when you need a hand, an ear, a meal, a shoulder. Yes, it takes strength and courage to ask for help.
Thank a Veteran or a Service Member Today
There are over 500,000 homeless veterans on our streets. And 22 veterans commit suicide each and every day.
Stay Curious & Ask Questions, keep an Open Heart and an Open Mind!